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- Kolęda Hej w dzien narodzenia
Kolędy Podkarpacia czytaj - Opowieść O czarnoksiężniku i trzech dziewicach
Konkurs na pamiątkę czytaj - Piosenka dziecięca Sikoreczka pstra
Konkurs na pamiątkę czytaj - Kujawiak od Bachorzy
Od Kujaw po Bałtyk czytaj - Starej babie młodego się zachciało
2010-02-07 Horse-drawn vehicles
Horse-drawn vehicles typical for Masovian manors from the turn of XIX and XX centuries can be once again seen in the newly opened exhibition in the Museum of the Mazovian Village in Sierpc.
The presented vehicles were constructed by Polish producers as well as by renowned European companies.
The exhibition concerns historical coach-houses, which once formed part of the wealth of magnates and noblemen. It was divided into two parts – in the first room one can see roofed vehicles and travellers trunks, while the second is devoted to vehicles produced locally together with a wheelwright’s and saddler’s workshop.
Among the exhibits visitors will have the opportunity to see a landau dating back to around 1880. It is a roofless four-wheeled carriage. Its two identical seats are placed facing each other. The vehicle is characteristic for its semi-circular shape, with a lower edge of the door being the lowest part of the whole top. Landau is equipped with a latched roofed top that can be folded into two parts (front and rear), which when closed creates a roof with windows at the sides.
At the exhibition one can also see a cabriolet (so-called bryczka wolantowa - country vehicle without the hood, used in the summer, very popular among Polish landed aristocracy), as well as sled used for travels from the period of Poland’s twenty years of independence after World War I and even sled from St. Petersburg that has been in use until present and that was produced on the territory of Russian monarchy.
The exhibition displays vehicles of various value and purpose, which makes it even more interesting.
In addition, the exhibition has been aggrandized with harnesses and all sorts of travel accessories – trunks, travelling-bags. In a reconstructed wheelwright’s and saddler’s workshop there are piles of hand tools for constructing wheels, bodies of vehicles, splash boards, or those for repairing vehicles and among them are: saws, drills, chisels and try squares.
Today all that is left of horse-drawn vehicles is sport vehicles – solid and safe, but lacking the charm, as well as hansom cabs – combining various styles or totally devoid of style. It’s just like with accessories for horsemen or harnesses. Their contemporary character even if practical is devoid of the old charm as much as the imprint of craftsman’s hand, that while constructing would have put not only a great deal of effort, but craftsman’s heart. They also lack an amount of deftness, at times even accuracy.
The exhibition is not only aimed at professionals. Everyone even for a moment can be transferred to the world of carriages, britzkas and sleds. Their intricate beauty impresses with artistry and diligence of handiwork.
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